Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kinds Of Text

Hello everybody. It is my pleasure to be able to write something for you. In this blog I would like to motivate you to be fond of reading and writing in English. I realize that there are still many students complaining about their English competence. They still get difficulties to understand English texts and to express their ideas in English even though they have started studying English from elementary school. They still can't read and write well.

OK don't worry! Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Just write what you want to write. Express your ideas in English. I will read your writing and you can consult me anything. There must be something valuable in your sentence. I'd appreciate it. We can study together.

Through this blog I want to share my experiences and my knowledge for you. I will give you examples of kinds of text and some short functional texts which are very useful to master.

Genre or Kinds of Text which are very familiar with students are :
1. Descriptive
2. Narrative
3. Recount
4. Procedure
5. Report
We will discuss each of the text above, analyze the generic structure of the text, the grammar or the structure of the sentence used in the text and more. I will also give some questions related to the text for you. And there will be some exercises of grammar concerning with the text for you to complete.

Please feel free to ask your questions, give your opinion or consult your difficulties. I will try to help your problem. You can give your comment in English or in Indonesian.

I hope this will be useful especially for students of elementary and secondary schools.

You may give me respond or criticize for the shake of our English improvement.I also a human being. It is normal if I make mistakes sometime but please remind me if do something wrong. I'm sure you can perfect your English.

Come on everybody! Express your idea in English. Don't be afraid of making mistakes in the structure or the grammar of your sentence. I will try to help you. Let's start from the simple and easy sentences.

Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. Yang saya hormati dan saya banggakan para guru besar, para dozen, para asisten dozen, para tutor yang telah berkenan menyampaikan ilmu yang bermanfaat kepada saya, yaitu ilmu pendidikan bahasa Inggris. Melalui blog ini saya ingin memberikan ungkapan rasa terima kasih yang setinggi-tingginya dengan cara berbagi ilmu yang yang saya peroleh dengan saudara-saudara saya, adik-adik mahasiswa, para pelajar, dan murid-murid saya. Mengingat kemampuan berbahasa para pelajar di Indonesia masih harus terus dikembang-tingkatkan.
    Tidak lupa ucapan terima kasih juga saya sampaikan teristimewa untuk para senior, teman-teman guru dan keluarga saya yang telah mendukung saya dalam pembuatan blog ini. Saya akan selalu membutuhkan bantuan, kritik dan sara dari saudara-saudara demi kesempurnaan materi ataupun artikel yang saya tulis di dalam blog ini. Saya merasa apa yang saya tulis ini masih jauh dari sempurna, tapi saya juga tidak bisa berdiam diri dengan lingkungan yang ada disekitar saya, namun demikian saya berharap mudah-mudahan tulisan saya yang sederhana ini dapat memberikan kontribusi dan sumbangan utamanya untuk dunia pendidikan bahasa Inggris di tanah air tercinta, Indonesia.

    Hormat saya,

    Heru Prasetyono, S.Pd.
